Elizabeth Huzzey MHD DO

Headache Specialist. Osteopath. Acupuncturist.

Berkhamsted and Central London

Role: Project Lead for EdACHe.

Research Group: Osteopaths for Progress in Headaches and Migraines


University College of Osteopaths

National Council of Osteopathic Research

Funded by the Osteopathic Foundation.

EdACHe – Education and Assessment for Confidence in Headaches.

People with headache often search for answers outside medical and pharmaceutical models. A study of patients attending a London tertiary NHS headache clinic showed 72% had previously consulted opticians, 34% dentists, 29% chiropractors, 24% osteopaths and 12% physiotherapists [1]. Research shows 9% of patients consulting osteopaths do so for headaches [2]. There was no existing assessment or standard of education in headache knowledge among AHPs.


EdACHe was a three-phase project.


Phase 1: A study to assess existing headache knowledge among registered Osteopaths practising in the UK: a cross sectional survey. Elizabeth Huzzey-Cunningham Mark McWilliam Vinod Mahtani Helena Bridge Corina Breukel Henrik Winther Schytz Jerry Draper-Rodi.

The scope of knowledge assessed was based on Steiner’s recommendations for primary care.

The study found knowledge to be reasonable but there were gaps and the extent of this was dependant on prior headache education.

Phase 2: EdACHe e-learning course development.

Informed by phase 1, the learning objectives were to practise safely, recognise common phenotypes and know how to triage patients presenting with headaches. The EdACHe e-learning is 20 modules (8 hours) and includes relevant clinical scenarios and quizzes.


Phase 3: A randomised controlled trial assessing the efficacy of the EdACHe e-learning using a before and after study. The change in knowledge in clinically relevant scenarios was assessed. There was a high statistically significant improvement in knowledge in those who completed the course with 60% more likely to answer correctly post-course.

The EdACHe course is now available as CPD hosted by University College of Osteopaths. Preview here.

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