Professor Alex Sinclair

Professor Alex Sinclair leads the Translational Brain Science group at the University of Birmingham. The translational research group focusses on headache, intracranial pressure and traumatic brain injury. They have particular interest in metabolism, hormones, idiopathic intracranial hypertension and traumatic brain injury and post traumatic headache. The group consists of a vibrant mix of basic scientist, Phd students, post-doctoral researchers, clinical fellow and lecturers working with access to leading infrastructure.


The research seeks to establish and exploit the pathophysiological mechanisms underpinning the debilitating effects of headache and intracranial pressure, develop therapeutic strategies, and generate real impact while improving patient care.


The translational portfolio encompasses in vitro and in vitro studies coupled with a clinical trials program enabling forward (novel therapeutic targets are under assessment in patients) and back translation (biomarker evaluation in the laboratory). The research is closely linked with the headache service at University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK.


The group is grateful for ongoing funding support from the National Institute for Health Research, Ministry of Defence, The Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust, Brain Research UK, UK Space Agency and the Association of British Neurologist.

We actively encourage and support the next generation of headache academics and would welcome those exploring research opportunities.

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