David Kernick - BASH

Dr David Kernick

Dr David Kernick is a GP with a special interest in headache. He has a research interest in the area and has written a number of publications, including the Oxford University Press Manual of Headache. He was the Royal College of General Practitioners Headache Champion and previous Chair of the British Association for the Study of Headache, and currently leads the Association’s Headache Specialist General Practitioner Group.

Publications 2005 onwards D.P. Kernick

D. P. Kernick & D. Reinhold. The Prevalence and Treatment of Headache Sufficient to Impact on the Quality of Life of Undergraduate Students Entering University, Current Medical Research and Opinion 2002; 18:8: 462-464.


Kernick D. Migraine - new perspectives from chaos theory. Cephalalgia 2005:25;561-566.


Belam J, Harris G, Kernick D et al. A qualitative study of migraine involving patient researchers. British Journal of General Practice 2005;55:87-93.

Kernick D. A descriptive study of an intermediate care headache clinic delivered by general practitioners with a special interest. Headache Care 2005;2(2):101-104.

Kernick D. An introduction to health economics for those involved in the development and delivery of headache care. Cephalalgia 2005;25:709-714.

Kernick D. Developing a research agenda in headache service delivery: proceed with caution. Cephalalgia 2007;27: 289-293.


Hamilton W, Kernick D. Clinical features of primary brain tumors: a case-control study using electronic primary care records. British Journal General Practice 2007;57:695-699.


Kernick D, Stapley S, Hamilton W. GPs classification of headache: is primary headache under diagnosed? British Journal General Practice 2008;58:102-104.


Kernick D, Reinhold D. Children and adolescents with headache. What do they need? Journal of Headache and Pain 2008;9:233-236.


Kernick D, Ahmed F, Bahra A, et al. Imaging patients with suspected brain tumor. Guidance for primary care. British Journal of General Practice 2008;58(557):880-5.


Kernick D, Stapley S, Goadsby P, Hamilton W. What happens to new onset headache presented to primary care? A case-cohort study using electronic primary care records. Cephalalgia 2008;28(11):1188-95.


Kernick D, Campbell J. Measuring the impact of headache in children: a critical review of the literature. Cephalalgia 2009;29(1):3-16.


Kernick D, Reinhold D. Campbell J. Impact of headache on young people in a school population. British Journal of General Practice 2009;59(566):678-81.

Kernick D, Stapley S, Campbell J, Hamilton W. What happens to new onset headache in children presented to primary care? A case cohort study using electronic primary care records.   Cephalalgia 2009;29(12):1311-6.


Kernick D, Goadsby P. Guidelines for headache in sport. Cephalalgia 2010;31:106-111.



Kernick D, Reinhold D, Stone C. A qualitative study of headache in school children. British Journal of School Nursing. 2011; 6(7): 337–41.

Kernick D, Williams S. Should GPs have direct access to neuroradiological investigation when adults present with headache. British Journal of General Practice 2011;61:409-411.


Dekker F, Neven A, Andriesse B, Kernick D et al. Prophylactic treatment of migraine by general practitioners. A qualitative study. British Journal General Practice 2012;62:194-195.


Managing post-traumatic headache: guidance for primary care. Kernick D, Lambru G. British Journal of General Practice 2020; 70 (695):308-309.

Kernick D, Kondori N, Pain A, Preventive treatment patterns in the adult migraine population: an observational UK study over 7 years. BMC Prim Care. 2024 Jan 24;25(1):34. doi: 10.1186/s12875-023-02242-y. PMID: 38262999; PMCID: PMC10807158.



Getting Health Economics into Practice. Kernick D. Radcliffe Medical Press: Abingdon, 2002.

Complexity and Health Care Organisation. Kernick D. Radcliffe Medical Press: Abingdon, 2004.

Manual of headache care. Kernick D, Goadsby P. Eds. Oxford University Press 2008

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