It's been a busy year. Time to reflect and look forward to our goals for next year. A message from your BASH Secretary, Dr Katy Munro
Dear BASH members,
I just wanted to send my good wishes to all BASH members for the Christmas and New Year holidays. I'm sure for some of you, work will still feature predominantly on your agenda but, hopefully, some time with friends and family will be possible too.
We have achieved a lot in 2024
2024 has been a year of change and progress for BASH. The relaunch of our newly designed website has been welcomed by many members. I have been delighted with the variety and interesting blog contributions sent in by so many members. If you haven't caught up with them all, have a browse if you get a few moments.
BASH Educational Conferences- a great success
We have had some very successful events including two locality meetings, one in Birmingham in April and , more recently, another excellent study day in Cardiff. I was thrilled to see such enthusiastic attendees from a range of disciplines at both events. The feedback has been wonderful.
Our thriving subgroups
Our active GPwER group met twice face-to-face at the Wolfson SPARC Centre, (many thanks to Dr Phil Holland for arranging this lovely venue for us). We have grown in numbers and now there are nearly 100 members of this collaborative, supportive peer group of GPs. Our GP Google Group is a great source of information and support. (If you are a GP member and are not on this group yet, please let me know and I'll add you).
Our Headache Specialist nurses and practitioners group is thriving and developing too. Our BASH bursaries are being used by members of this group to facilitate them attending useful study conferences. Some are still available so spread the word.
Membership numbers have grown and we are looking forward to spreading the word about BASH more widely especially to Neurologists in training posts who are still under-represented. Please spread the word about how rewarding headache medicine can be especially at this time of exciting new treatment options.
Our social media subgroup has been tweeting (or is it X-ing ?) and we also have a Linkedin profile now so do follow us if you are on social media.
Representing BASH further afield
Members of BASH led by our Scientific Officer, Dr Gina Kennedy, ran a plenary debate session at the ABN conference around the use of the new CGRP blocking medications.
BASH members were out in force at the September MTIS meeting and then in Rotterdam in December for the EHF conference. We have strong connections with both the EHF and IHS and continue to value these contacts.
GP BASH members were also delighted to go to the WONCA conference in Dublin and run a workshop for GPs from around the world on gaining confidence in managing headache.
Times change and so do Health ministers
With the change of Government n the Summer we lost some of our loudest MP advocates in the Houses of Parliament. Time will tell how much migraine and headache care is prioritised by the new incumbents.
And so to 2025
What will the new year bring for BASH? Current projects include the revising and publishing of the updated Guidelines and some 'real world' guidance on implementing NICE guidance at the coal face. This work is already under way - we'll be sharing these in Spring.
We are hopeful that the CG150 NICE guideline will be revised and updated and are pushing for that to happen. It was last fully reviewed in 2012 and the headache world looks very different in the last decade!
We will be running further educational study days and webinars in 2025. Keep an eye on the Events page for updates. Hopefully I will see many of you at the Biennial Hull conference in January. We are planning a short social event on Thursday evening so do come and meet us!
At our AGM in September, several of our Council Officers and Honorary Advisors will have completed their terms of office (including me!) and so, please consider whether you would like to join the Council or a subgroup and help BASH to be an effective and strong advocacy organisation for those who need us.
Have a merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you all!
Dr Katy Munro
Honorary BASH Secretary
GPwER in Headache, National Migraine Centre