
Headache Specialist GPs: an Italian connection

Dr Jessica Briscoe, an experienced GP with extended role in Headache spoke to Italian GPs and neurologists recently about her work.

When Dr Matteo Fuccaro, an Italian headache neurologist whom I’d met when he visited our headache centre 3 years ago, asked me to do a talk for a group of Italian GPs and neurologists on my role as a GP headache specialist, I jumped at the chance.  The opportunity to talk about the job I enjoy so much and, hopefully, encourage others to consider taking up such a role was too good to miss.  There was also the added bonus that this would require a trip to one of the most beautiful regions of Italy: the Veneto.

GPs with special training in headache care- a novelty?

When Dr Fuccaro visited our department, he was surprised to learn that the role of GP headache specialist even existed let alone that there were two of us working in our clinic.  It is generally felt that the GPs in his region were not interested in headache and such a role does not currently exist. 

GPwER in Headache : are Italian GPs interested?

When I arrived at the conference, there were still an impressive number of Italian GPs in attendance which was encouraging given that the presentations took place on a rainy Saturday; my talk was scheduled at the end of a long day, in English (as I do not speak Italian) and there was a rival GP conference occurring in the region on cardiology.  This indicated to me that interest in headache disorders amongst the local GPs is higher than the consultants imagined. 

We have an increasing number of GPwER in Headache in the UK

My talk was scheduled after a local GP discussed the headache pathways in the area.  I started the talk by explaining that there are currently 95 GPs registered with BASH as having a specialist interest in headache and that we work across the UK and Ireland in a variety of settings: the community, as part of a hospital clinic, some are the local headache specialist with the support of a general neurologist etc.  I also highlighted the benefit of having a GP Headache Specialist whose background is as a generalist: migraine is a multi-system disorder which impacts physical and mental health as well as emotional, social and occupational well-being.

Inspiring better care for people with headache in Italy

After my talk there seemed to be a lively discussion between the neurologists (as I do not speak Italian, Dr Fuccaro had to periodically translate this for me) about how they could encourage and train local GPs: their minds were blown by the whole concept and they could see the value of having GPs as part of their team.  Dr Fuccaro even spoke about including it as part of the GP training scheme as we have done at GSTT so, watch this space…

Dr Jessica Briscoe

GPwER in Headache, Pain Services

Guy's and St Thomas's Hospital Trust

To find out more about our BASH GP Group, click here. Our next face-to-face meeting is in London on Friday November 8th. Email info@bash.org.uk for more details.

Festive Greetings to all BASH members
Another excellent BASH GPwER meeting of education
BASH Educational Conference on Headache, Cardiff, 18th October 2024.