
The Hull BASH meeting on Headache

Every two years in January, Professor Fayyaz Ahmed and his team have organised an excellent educational meeting for those wanting to learn more about headache disorders. Registration is now open!

The Hull BASH meeting has been a regular occurrence every odd year since 2005 except 2021 due to Covid pandemic.  The meeting is organised jointly by the Hull University Teaching Hospitals and British Association for the Study of Headache under the auspices of the International Headache Society. 

From its early beginnings, attendance numbers have grown

The inaugural meeting in 2005, attended by 75 delegates, had Professor Peter Goadsby as invited speaker and Paul Davies as Chair of the organisation.  The meeting used to be at the East Riding Medical Education Centre at Hull Royal Infirmary. However, over the years it became so popular and heavily attended that the venue had to be moved to Lazzat Hotel and restaurant in Cottingham in 2017, the year of BASH 25th anniversary celebrations.  Professor Jes Olesen and Professor Rigmor Jensen were invited to the silver jubilee celebration with Professor Timothy Steiner who founded the organisation back in 1992.

All with an interest in headache are welcome

The Hull BASH meeting is unique in the sense that it caters for everyone dealing with headaches in primary and secondary care i.e., specialist nurses, consultants in acute medicine and neurology and general practitioners.  However, there is enough science for the trainees in Neurology and headache field.  Faculty includes virtually everyone involved in research and teaching in the field of headache from all over the UK.  We also invite the current president and president elect of the International Headache Society.  (currently Prof Rami Burstein and Dr Mario Peres)

The special lecture in memory of the late Vicky Quarshie (Headache nurse in Hull for 18 years) is delivered by the president of the global society. (Editor: For details of the Vicky Quarshie memorial bursary and other BASH bursaries, click here)

Registration is now open

The meeting has always been free to attend and includes all the lunches and refreshments on both full days of the meeting.  We, however, do ask for a registration fee to ensure facilities booked for you are not wasted.  The fee is refunded on attendance and will cover your cost if you don’t attend. 

Plan ahead to avoid missing your place!

Last meeting in 2023 was attended by a record 330 delegates.  The venue cannot accommodate more than 350 and hence we advise that you book your place far in advance to avoid disappointment.

There will also be a conference dinner on Thursday, 23rd January 2023 at the Lazaat
Restaurant open to all delegates to meet and interact with the experts. The cost will be £60 payable through paypal. See the Events page for details.

Come and join us! Book now

The Registration form for the 10th Biennial Hull BASH meeting and more details are on our Events page here.

Professor Fayyaz Ahmed, MD FRCP MBA MRCP (Neuro) PGCME FHEA

Meeting organiser

Consultant Neurologist and Professor (Hon) in Neurology

Hull York Medical School

Insights from a GP Registrar on attending the Hull Biennial Headache Conference
Reflections from a Consultant Physiotherapist in Headache on the BASH Hull meeting
Vestibular Migraine-Meniere’s Disease Overlap Syndrome (VM-MDOS)

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