Dr Philip Holland

Professor Peter Goadsby

The Wolfson Sensory Pain and Regeneration Centre

Headache Group, King’s College London.

The group consists of two internationally recognised experts, Prof. Peter Goadsby and Dr Philip Holland, each leading their own research themes. More widely, there is a vibrant mix of scientists, clinical fellows, post-doctoral researchers and PhD/MSc students all working together to help reduce the burden of headaches.


The Wolfson Sensory Pain and Regeneration Centre is a world-leading translational research centre that focuses on the molecular basis of pain, migraine, hearing loss and neural repair. 


With a fundamental mission to understand the biological mechanisms behind these neurological and sensory disorders and harness this knowledge to develop new therapeutic strategies. To achieve these goals, cutting-edge translational neuroscience research is conducted in a positive, inclusive, and collaborative environment. 


A core strength of the Wolfson SPaRC is the parallel use of pre-clinical cell and in vivo models, alongside human cellular models, which provides an essential platform for us to forward- and back-translate our fundamental research to and from the clinic. 


Additional strengths lie in our world-leading expertise in neuroplasticity, interdisciplinary neuro-immune research, high-throughput sequencing technologies, drug discovery and advanced therapeutics.


The headache group focuses on primary headache disorders with a broad interest in the fundamental mechanisms underlying these conditions through to clinical translation and treatment.

Our research seeks to uncover new mechanisms underpinning these disorders leading to mechanism-based novel therapies that have increased efficacy and reduced side effects.


Our translational pathway was recently recognised with the award of the world’s leading Brain Prize 2021 (Prof. Goadsby) and the Medical Research Foundation 2020 Emerging Leaders Prize in pain (Dr Holland) in recognition of our pioneering research.


Our world leading research facilities encompass state-of-the-art scientific laboratories, clinical and preclinical neuroimaging platforms, NHS headache clinics as well as a dedicated clinical trials facility. Representing a unique platform for translational neuroscience research from bench to bedside and vice versa.




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